There are currently 1108 names in this directory beginning with the letter P.
(as a fabric bag in which a parachute is packed) हवाई छत्री पिशवी (स्त्री.), पॅराशूट पिशवी (स्त्री.)
१ (as the gathering or compression of material or material particles into a relatively confined space) बंधन (न.) २ आवेष्टन (न.)
packing fraction
Nucleonics (as a measure of the loss or gain of total mass in a group of nucleons) बंधनांश (पु.)
pair production
Electronics (as the production of an electron and positron when a photon is absorbed by a high electric field i.e. the field near the nucleus) युग्म निर्माण (also pair creation or pair formation)
१ Elec.Eng.(as a sliding type of current collecting device used on traction systems employing an overhead contact wire) पंजा (पु.), पॅन्टोग्राफ (पु.) २ (as an instrument for copying plan etc.) प्रत्यालेखन यंत्र (न.), प्रत्यालेखी (पु.)
(as an unobstructed or complete and comprehensive view of a region in every direction)विस्तीर्ण दृश्य (न.), परिपूर्ण दृश्य (न.)
paraboloid of revolution
Math. (a solid figure formed by the revolution of a parabola about its axis) परिभ्रमण अन्वस्तज
paraboloidal reflector
(as a reflector which is a portion of a paraboloid of revolution) अन्वस्तजीय परावर्तक
Chem.(as a constant relationship for a given substance, between surface tension and density) पॅराकोर (पु.) (सं.P)
Astron., etc.(generally the apparent change in the position of an object seen against a more distant background when the viewpoint is changed) पराशय (पु.), परासर (पु.)
१ (as keeping at the same distance at all parts, lying evenly everywhere in the same direction) समांतर २ सदृश, सम (as in parallel growth सदृश वृद्धि) ३ Elec. (being or relating to an electrical circuit having number ofconductors in parallel) अनेकसरी
१ (as parallel, line, curve, surface etc.) समांतर (रेषा, पृष्ठ वगैरे) २ Elec. (as the arrangement of electrical devices in which all positive poles, electrodes and terminals are joined to one conductor so that each unit is in effect on a parallel branch - contrasted with series) समांतर (मांडणी, परिपथ वगैरे); अनेकसरी (मांडणी, घट वगैरे)(in parallel समांतर, अनेकसरी)
parallel ray(s)
(rays from a very distant point which reach an optical system as parallel rays) समांतर किरण
parallelogram of forces
Mech. (as a rulefor the composition of two forces) बल समांतर चतुर्भुज (बलांचा समांतर चतुर्भुज)
१ Math. (generally a line or figure that serves to determine a point, line, figure or quantity in a class of such things) प्राचल (न.) २ Elec. Comm., Elec.Eng.(as a derived constant of a transmission circuit or network, which is more convenient for expressing performance or for use in calculations) प्राचल (न.), परामूल्य (न.) ३ Crystal. (as the relative intercept made by a plane on a crystallographic axis, the ratio of the intercepts determining the position of the plane) प्राचल (न.)
१ (of relating to or in terms of a parameter) प्राचलिक २ Elec.Eng. प्राचलिक, परामूल्य- (also parametric)
१ परजीविक, परजीवी-, पराश्रयी २ Elec. Magn. (being or relating to undesirable component frequencies; consisting of or caused by eddy currents in any conductor within the reach of an alternating current or rotating magnetic field) अवांछित, अनिष्ट (as in parasitic loss Elec.Eng. अवांछित व्यय, अनिष्ट व्यय)
(relating to or being the space in the immediate neighbourhood of the optical axis of a lens or mirror) उपाक्षीय
(as the source or material from which something is derived) मूल (पदार्थ, वस्तू वगैरे), जनक (पदार्थ, वस्तू वगैरे)
parking orbit
(as an orbit of an artificial satellite or a space vehicle travelling around a body as the earth in such a way as to serve as a station from which another vehicle is launched or as to be itself propelled later into a new trajectory) स्थानक भ्रमण कक्षा
Astron.(the chief unit used in measuring stellar distances in terms of parallax an second) पार्सेक (न.)
१ (as an essential portion or integral element of something) भाग (पु.), अंग (न.), अवयव (पु.) २ (some but not all of a thing or number of things; something less than the whole) अंश (पु.), भाग (पु.)
(as one of the minute subdivisions of matter, as a molecule, atom, electron, alpha particle etc.) कण (पु.)
(as existing in the form of minute separate particles; of or relating to distinct particles) कणीय
partition funciton
(as an expression giving the distribution of molecules in different energy states in a system) विभाजन फल
Pascal law
(after Blaise Pascal, Fr. scientist and philosopher) पास्कलचा नियम, पास्कल नियम (also called Pascal's law or law of the transmissibility of pressure)
१ (as to move from one place or point to another through or across a space or elemetn) अभिक्रमित होणे, -चे अभिक्रमण होणे २ (commonly) जाणे ३ पार करणे, - च्या पार होणे
१ मार्ग (पु.) २ (as a movement or transference from one place or point to another, or through or across a space or element) अभिक्रमण (न.)
(not active or operating; not moving; of relating to or characterised by a state of chemical inactivity) क्रियाशून्य
passive satellite
(an artificial satellite without instruments; esp. one that simply reflects radio signals back to earth) क्रियाशून्य उपग्रह
(after Louis Pasteur, Fr. Chemist and bacteriologist - a method devised by Pasteur to check fermentation as in milk involving partial sterilisation of a substance..... etc.) पाश्चरण (न.)
१ (as an apparatus) पाश्चरणी (स्त्री.) २ (as a worker who does pasteurisation) पाश्चरk २ (as a worker who does pasteurisation) पाश्चरk (सा.)(सा.)
१ (as an artistic or mechanical design or form; as a specimen offered as a sample of a whole; something serving as a model) प्रतिरुप (न.) २ (something designed or used as a model for making things) आकृतिबंध (पु.)
Pauli exclusion principle
Nucleonics (after Wolgang Pauli, Swiss physicist - a principle that no two electrons in an atom or molecule can exist simultaneously in states defined by the same set of quantum numbers- also called exclusion principle) पॉली अपवर्जन तत्त्व (अपवर्जन तत्त्व
(the load that is carried by a rocket or space vehicle and consists of things as passengers or instruments that relate directly to the purpose of flight as opposed to things as fuel that are necessary for operation) लाभभार (पु.), अभिभार (पु.)
१ (as of rays of light or other radiation) शलाका (स्त्री.) २ पेन्सिल (स्त्री.), लेखणी (स्त्री.) ३ Math.(as of lines etc.) रेखावृंद (पु.)
दोलक (पु.), लंबक (पु.) ballistic pendulum प्रक्षेप दोलक compensated pendulum प्रतिपूरित दोलक compound pendulum phisical pendulum conical pendulum शंकु दोलक physical pendulum भौतिक दोलक, स्थूल दोलक reversible pendulum व्युत्क्रमी दोलक seconds pendulum
१ (as to pierce through) वेधन करणे, वेधन होणे २ (as to find access into or through; pass through) अंतर्भेद करणे, अंतर्भेद होणे
Astron.(as the outer partially darkened shadow of a large body such as the earth or moon) उपच्छाया (स्त्री.)
१ (as meeting supreme standards of excellence; satisfying all requirements) पूर्ण, परिपूर्ण २ (entirely without fault or defect) निर्दाएष ३ (as having all the proper characteristics; ideal) आदर्श
perfect fluid
Hyd.(as an ideal fluid which is incompressible and which has a uniform density and which offers no resistance at all to the distorting forces) आदर्श द्रायु
१ (the portion of time determined by some recurring phenomenon; a division of time in which something is completed and ready to commence and go on in the same order; as a chronological division) काल (पु.), कालखंड (पु.) २ (as the interval of time equired f
१ (consisting of a series of stages or processes that is regularly repeated; as cyclic) आवर्ती २ (characterised by periods or occurring at regular intervals) आवर्त-, आवृत्ति-
periodic law
Chem.(as a law in chemistry that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers..... etc.) आवृत्ति नियम
१ (of relating to, or forming a periphery) परिधि- २ (located away from a centre or central portion) परिसराचा, परिसरातील, परिसर- (also peripheric)
(taking place between the solid phases and the still unsolidified portions of the liquid melt) परिक्रांतिक
(capable of being permeated - used esp.of a substance that allows the passage of fluids) पार्य
१ (as to diffuse through; as to spread or diffuse through; pass through the pores of)पारित होणे, पार्य होणे २ (as to penetrate or pervade) अंतर्व्याप्त होणे, भिनणे
(the act or processof changing the lineal order of a set of objects arranged in a group) क्रमचयन (न.)
(to change the order or arrangement of, esp. to arrange objects in series in all possible ways in which they can be arranged )क्रमचयन करणे
perpetual motion
(the idea of a mechanism which, once started,would operate indefinitely) चिर गति, शाश्वत गति
personal euqation
(a term applied in various sciences, to a systematic error due, as shown by analysis of a long series of similar observations, to an observer's individual peculiarity) व्यक्तिविशिष्ट त्रुटी absolute personal equation निरपेक्ष व्यक्तिविशिष्ट त्रुटी
१ (as a technique of representing on a plane or curved surface the space relationships of natural objects as they appear to the eye) यथार्थदर्शन (न.), त्रिमितिदर्शन (न.) २ Optics (as an optical glass or any of various optical devices that show objects in the right position) यथार्थदर्शी (पु.)
१ (being of such a kind as to permit access to something indicated) प्रवेश्य २ (being of a substance that can be penetrated or permeated; permeable) पार्य
Geol. (the process of petrifying; specif. the conversion of organic matter into stone or a substance of stony hardness) अश्मन (न.) (also petrification)
(to convert as organic matter into stone or a substance of stony hardness; to become stone or to become hard or rigid like or as if like stone) अश्मन करणे, अश्मन होणे
१ (as a particular stage in recurring sequence of movements or changes) प्रावस्था (स्त्री.) २ Elec.Eng. (as one of the windings or circuits of a piece of polyphase electrical apparatus or system)प्रावस्था (स्त्री.) ३ Astron.(as of the moon) कला (स्त्री.)
phase difference
Elec.Eng. etc. (the difference between the phase-angles of two harmonically varying quantities) प्रावस्थांतर (न.) (also called phase displacement)
phase microscope
प्रावस्था सूक्ष्मदर्शी (also phase-contrast microscope or phase difference microscope)
phase rule
Chem.(as a generalisation of great value in the study of equilibria between phases) प्रावस्था नियम
phase space
Electronics (as an ideal oft. multidimensional space) प्रावस्था अवकाश (also called gamma space)
(an instrument for measuring the intensity of sound or the frequency of its vibration) स्वनमापी(पु.)
(one of the quanta into which compression wave energy is assumed to be divided and which like photons are supposed to have individual identity and mean free path) फोनॉन (पु.)
Chem.(as luminescence that is perceptible with characteristic rate of decay after the exciting cause ceases to act) स्फुरदीप्ति (स्त्री.) brightness
Photoelectric cells (a cathode that emits electrons when exposed to light or other radiation) प्रकाश कॅथोड (पु.)
१ (of relating to, or produced by the chemical action of radiant energy and esp. of light) प्रकाशरासायनिक २ (relating to photochemistry) प्रकाश रसायनशास्त्रविषयक
(a branch of chemistry that deals with the effect of radiant energy as light in producing chemical changes) प्रकाश रसायनशास्त्र (न.)
(as the disintegration of the nucleus of an atom produced by absorption of radiant energy) प्रकाश विघटन (न.)
Eng.(the technique of determining the stress distribution in bodies under complex system of loading by passing polarised light through a nitro-cellulose model) प्रकाश प्रत्यास्थता (स्त्री.)
photoelectric cell
(generally any device in which the incidence of light causes an alteration in the electrical state- as a phototube) प्रकाश विद्युतघट, प्रकाश घट
photoelectric effect
Photoelectronics (as the effect of light falling upon metal surfaces and causing them to give out electrons, to generate an electromotive force, or to undergo a change in resistance) प्रकाश विद्युत परिणाम
(an electron ejected from a substance by the action of light or other radiation) प्रकाश इलेक्ट्रॉन (पु.) (प्रकाश निष्कासन इलेक्ट्रॉन)
(the science dealing with the interactions of electricity and light, esp. with those which involve free electrons) प्रकाश इलेक्ट्रॉनिकी (स्त्री.)
Photoelectronics (as the emission of electrons from the surface of a body usu. an electropositive metal by the incidence of light) प्रकाश विद्युत उत्सर्जन (न.) (also photoelectric emission)
photographic method
प्रकाशचित्रण पद्धति (as in photographic method of detecting radiation प्रारण संसूचित करण्याची प्रकाशचित्रण पद्धति)
(as the art and science of making permanent images by exposing certain chemical substances to light rays) प्रकाशचित्रण (न.)
(luminescence in which the excitation is produced by visible or invisible light) प्रकाशदीप्ति (स्त्री.)
(a meson, commonly a II meson, ejected from a nucleus by an impinging photon) फोटोमेसॉन (पु.)
Light (as an instrument for comparing the luminous intensities of two sources of light) अनुदीप्तिमापी
१ (as a branch of science that deals with measuring the intensity of light) अनुदीप्तिमिति (स्त्री.) २ (as the practice of using a photometer) अनुदीप्तिमापी योजन (न.)
(a photograph of a magnified image of a small object) सूक्ष्मदर्शी चित्र (न.) (सूक्ष्मदर्शी प्रकाशचित्र)
(as the production of normal negatives and prints of objects of microscopic dimensions) सूक्ष्मदर्शी चित्रण (न.) (सूक्ष्मदर्शी प्रकाशचित्रण)
(an elecron multiplier in which the first stage consists of photoelectric emission from a suitable cathode - also called multiplier phototube) प्रकाशविद्युत गुणक (पु.) (also photomultiplier tube)
(as the movement of small particles under the influence of raidant energy; a phenomenon in which a unidirectional motion is given, by a strong beam of light, to a system composed of very fine liquid or solid particles, which are suspended in a gas or fall
(to make photosensitive by means of chemical or optical sensitisers; to induce as a chemical reaction by means of an intermediary substance that absorbs radiant energy) प्रकाशसंवेदी करणे
(sensitive chemically, electrically or otherwise to the action of radiant energy as light) प्रकाशसंवेदी
Astron.(as the name given to the visible surface of the sun on which sunspots and other physical markings appear) प्रकाश आवरण (न.), तेजावरण (न.)
(synthesis of chemical compounds with the aid of light sometimes including the near infrared or near ultraviolet) प्रकाश संश्लेषण (न.)
Electronics, Thermionics (as an electron tube having a photoemissive cathode) प्रकाशविद्युत नलिका (स्त्री.)
१ (of or relating to physics; characterised or produced by forces and operations of physics; employed in the processes of physics) भौतिक (as in physical change भौतिक बदल, physical forces भौतिक बले) २ (of or belonging to all created existences in nature; relating to or in accordance with the laws of nature) प्राकृतिक (as in physical geography प्राकृतिक भूगोल)
physical chemistry
(a branch of science applying physical methods and theory to the study of chemical systems) भौतिक रसायनशास्त्र
physical optics
Light (as a branch of optics that deals with nature of light and its wave properties) भौतिक प्रकाशिकी geometrical optics भूमितीय प्रकाशिकी
physical pendulum
(a rigid body so mounted on a horizontal axis through its centre of suspension that when the body is displaced it vibrates freely about its position of equilibrium - as distinguished from simple pendulum) भौतिक दोलक, स्थूल दोलक
१ (as a science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions in the fields of mechanics, acousitcs, optics, heat, electricity, magnetism, radiation, atomic structure and nuclear phenomena) भौतिकशास्त्र (न.) २ (as a particular system or branch of physics) भौतिकी (स्त्री.) (as in nuclear physics न्यूक्लीय भौतिकी, केंद्रक भौतिक, classical physics अनाधुनिक भौतिकी)
(symbol II denoting the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter) पाय (पु.) (सं. II)
piezoelectric effect
Elec.Comm., Radio etc. (as the interaction between electrical and mechanical stress strain variables in a medium) दाबविद्युत परिणाम
(electricity or electric polairty due to pressure esp. in a crystalline substance) दाबविद्युत (स्त्री.)
१ (as a quantity of things heaped together or laid one on top ofthe other) चिति (स्त्री.) २ (a battery etc. made up similarly) चिति (स्त्री.) ३ (as a nuclear reactor) न्यूक्लीय क्रियाधानी (स्त्री.)
(serving on a small scale as a guiding or tracing device, an activating or auxiliary unit of a full scale contrivance) पथदर्शी (as in pilot lamp पथदर्शी दीप)
pinch effect
Elec.Eng.(as a tendency of a linear solid or fluid electrical conductor to be compressed due to the action of its own magnetic field)आकुंचन परिणाम
pincushion distortion
Light, Optics (a type of distortion produced by a lens by which the image of a square appears with sides curved inwards giving a shape similar to a pincushion) मध्य आकुंचित विरुपण barrel distortion
१ टेकू (पु.), धर (पु.) २ (that upon which something turns about, oscillates or balances) केंद्रकील (पु.)
Planck's constant
(after Max K.E.L.Planck, Ger. physicist) प्लँक चा स्थिरांक, प्लँक स्थिरांक (also Planck constant symbol h)
Planckian radiation
(after Max K.E.L. Plank, Ger. physicist) प्लँकी प्रारण (also called blackbody radiation)
१ (as a surface such that the straight line that joins any two of its points lies wholly in that surface; as a two dimensional extent of zero curvature)प्रतल (न.) २ (as a level surface) समतल (न.)
(a building with a device for representing the movements of stars and planets by projecting spots of light on the inner surface of a large dome that representsthe sky)तारांगण (न.) (pl. planetaria or planetariums)
planetary electron
(an electron that moves about the atomic nucleus as part of an atom) ग्रहसम इलेक्टॉन
Thermionics (as an assembly of ions, electrons, neutral atoms and molecules in which the motion of the particles is dominated by electromagnetic interactions; as a region in a gaseous discharge where there is no resultant charge, the number of positive ions and negative ions being equal, in addition to unionised molecules) प्लाझ्मा (पु.), आयनायु (पु.)
(the quantity or state of being pliable) आनम्यता (स्त्री.) compressibility संपीड्यता ductility तंतुक्षमता expansibility प्रसरणक्षमता extensibility वितन्यता flexibility नम्यता, लवचिकता malleability वर्धनीयता plasticity आकार्यता tensility तन्यता
plimsoll line
(after Samuel Plimsoll, Eng. leader of shipping reform - a set of load line markings) प्लिमसॉल रेषा (also called Plimsoll mark)
१ (as to locate and mark a point by means of coordinates) बिंदु वगैरे) स्थापन करणे २ (as to make by marking out a number of plotted points....etc.) आलेखन करणे
१ बिंदु (पु.) २ अंक (पु.) ३ (as a definite measurable position in some kind of scale; mark on a scale) - अंक (पु.) (as in melting point द्रवणांक) ४ चिन्ह (न.) (as in decimal point दशांश चिन्ह) ५ (a sharp end, tip) टोक (न.) ६ ठिकाण (न.)
point source
(as a source of light or other radiation that is concentrated at a point) बिंदुरुप उद्गमस्थान, बिंदुरुप उत्पत्तिस्थान
(as an indicator on a dial or balance etc.) दर्शक (पु.) दर्शक काटा (पु.), काटा (पु.), सुई (स्त्री.)
(after Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille, Fr. physician and anatomist - a cgs absolute unit of viscosity) प्वॉझ (न.)
(after Jean Louis Marie Poiseuille, Fr. physician and anatomist - a cgs absolute unit of viscosity) प्वॉझ (न.)
Poiseuille flow
(after Jean L.M.Poiseuille, Fr. physician and anatomist - as, a steady flow of a fluid along the axis of an infinitely long circular pipe) प्वॉझर्ट प्रवाह
Poiseuille law
(a statement in physics regarding the relation between the volume flow along a cylindrical tube and the pressure difference between the ends) प्लॉझईचा नियम (also Poiseuille's law)
१ विष (न.) २ (as, any substance that inhibits the activity of another substance or other course of reaction or process, as catalytic action, fluorescence, thermionic emission, nuclear fission) विषाक्तक (पु.)
(an instrument for determining the amount of polarisation of light or the proportion of polarised light in a partially polarised ray; also a polariscope for measuring the amount of rotation of the plane of polarisation) धुवणमापी (पु.)
(the action or process of polarising or the state of being polarised) धुवण (न.) electrical polarisation विद्युत धुवण magnetic polarisation चुंबकीय धुवण optical polarisation प्रकाशीय धुवण
१ (an instrument for studying the properties of or examining substances in polarised light) धुवणदर्शी (पु.) २ (as polarimeter) धुवणमापी (पु.)
(to give polarity to; to bring into a state of physical polarisation; to cause as light waves to vibrate in a definite pattern; to gather or become concentrated about opposing extremes)धुवित करणे, धुवित होणे
(as either extremity of an axis of a sphere, as one of the two terminals of an electric cell, battery or dynamo; one of the two or more regions in the magnetised body at which the magnetic flux density is more or less concentrated) धुव (पु.), अग्र (न.)
(as the property of crystallising in two or more forms with distint structures) बहुरुपता (स्त्री.) allotropy or allotropism अपरुपता dimorphism द्विरुपता
१ (as the location of a particle, etc.) स्थान (न.) २ (as condition, situation, circumstance)स्थिति (स्त्री.)
positive column
Electronics (plasma luminous region in a gas discharge adjacent to positive electrode) धन आयनायु स्तंभ (also called plasma)
positive feedback
Radio (a feedback of such polarity and phase as to increase the net gain of amplifier) धन पश्चप्रदाय
positive ion vacancy
(as the site in the lattice of an ionic crystal from which a positive ion is absent) धन आयन रिक्तिका
positive rays
(a stream of positively chared ions moving towards the cathode in a discharge tube) धन किरण (पु.अ.व.), नलिका किरण (पु.अ.व.), कॅनॉल किरण (पु.अ.व.) (also canal rays)
(a positively charged particle having the same mass and magnitude of charge as the electron) पॉझिट्रॉन (पु.) (also called positive electron)
(to demand, put forward, take for granted, as a necessary fact, as a basis of reasoning) आधारतत्त्व म्हणून मांडणे, आधारतत्त्व म्हणून मानणे
१ (any of various functions from which the intensity or the velocity at any point in a field may be calculated) विभव (पु.) २ (specif. as, electric potential) विभव (पु.)
विभव- accelerating potential त्वरणी विभव contact potential संपर्क विभव gravitational potential गुरुत्वीय विभव retarded potential मंदित विभव
potential barrier
(a region in which particles, as alpha particles; thermions or photoelectrons are decelerated or stopped by a repulsive force) विभव प्राचीर
potential difference
(short P.D. or PD) Elec. (the difference in electric potential between two points that represents the work involved or the energy released in the transfer of a unit quantity of electricity from one point to the other) विभवांतर (न.) (वि.अ.)
Elec.Eng.(as an instrument used for measurement or comparison of small potential differences or electromotive forces) विभवमापी (पु.)
(the measurement of electromotive forces by means of a potentiometer) विभवमिति (स्त्री.)
१ Elec.Mech.etc.(as a source or means of supplying energy; as the time rate at which the work is done or energy emitted or transferred) शक्ति (स्त्री.) (as in atomic power अणु शक्ति) २ (as capability of acting or of producing an effect) सामर्थ्य (न.) ३ (a
power plant
१ विद्युत संयंत्र (न.), वीज संयंत्र (न.) २ शक्ति संयंत्र (न.) ३ (as a powerhouse) विद्युत वाजघर
(as a moving forward, as a comparatively slow gyration of the rotation axis of a spinning body about another line intersecting it) पुरस्सरण (न.)
(of or relating to precession) पुरस्सरण-, पुरस्सरणात्मक (as in precessional movement १ पुरस्सरणात्मक गतिमानता २ पुरस्सरणात्मक हालचाल )
(something causing precipitation; specif. an agent that causes the formation of a precipitate) अवक्षेपक (पु.)
(to cause to separate as a precipitate; to separate from a solution as a precipitate) अवक्षेपित करणे, अवक्षेपित होणे
१ (characterised by a definite oft. terse statement or specific meaning; devoid of anything vague or uncertain) नेमका, तंतोतंत २ परिशुद्ध accurate अचूक correct बरोबर, अचूक exact तंतोतंत, यथातथ्य unambiguous असंदिग्ध
१ तयारी (स्त्री.) २ (usu.pl.) सिद्धता (स्त्री.) ३ (a substance esp. prepared as medicine, food etc.) पदार्थ (पु.)
Med. (long sightedness and impairment of vision due to loss of accommodation of the eye in advancing years) जरादृष्टि (स्त्री.)
१ मांडणी (स्त्री.) (as in diagrammatic presentation १ आकृतीय मांडणी २ आरेखी मांडणी) २ पुढे मांडणे (न.) ३ सादर करणे (न.)
(as chemical substances for preserving perishable food stuffs) परिरक्षक (न.), परिरक्षक (पदार्थ, रसायने वगैरे)
१ परिरक्षण करणे २ जतन करणे ३ (to pickle, season or otherwise treat for keeping) संस्करण करणे, टिकवणे, मुरवणे
१ (to maintain near normal atmospheric pressure in; to design to withstand pressure) दाबानुकूलित करणे २ (as to apply pressure to) दाब देणे, -चे पीडन करणे
१ (as not derived from or dependent on something else, original ) प्राथमिक, प्रथम २ (as basic, funcamental) मूल, मूलभूत, मौलिक ३ (as first in order of time or development) आद्य secondary
१ Chem.(as a substance which is obtained direclty, by extraction and purification, from natural raw material) प्राथमिक (पदार्थ, रासायनिक पदार्थ वगैरे) २ Elec.Eng.(as primary winding) प्राथमिक कुंडलन (न.) ३ Astron.(as primary planet etc.) प्राथमिक (ग्रह वगैरे)
primary colour(s)
(these are for pigments, red, yellow and blue from which all other colours can be obtained by mixing two or more) प्राथमिक वर्ण (पु.अ.व.)
prime number
Math. (a number not divisible by any integer greater than one except its own absolute value) अविभाज्य संख्या
प्रिझम (पु.) achromatic prism अवर्णी प्रिझम oblique prism तिर्यक प्रिझम right prism लंब प्रिझम triangular prism त्रिकोण प्रिझम
१ सूक्ष्म तपासणी (स्त्री.) २ (as an instrument) शोधनी (स्त्री.) ३ Electronics etc. शोधाग्र (न.) ४ (as a device such as rocket, artificial satellite used to penetrate into or scan an otherwise inaccessible area as of space) शोधायन (न.), शोधसाधन (न.)
१ (as a question propounded for solution) प्रश्न (पु.) २ (as a matter difficult of settlement or solution) समस्या (स्त्री.) ३ Math. उदाहरण (न.)
१ (with from) निष्पन्न होणे, उत्पन्न होणे २ (with with) चालू ठेवणे ३ (as to advance) पुढे जाणे
१ उत्पादन करणे, उत्पन्न करणे २ Math.(as to extend geometrically used of a line, surface or solid) वाढवणे, विस्तार करणे (as in to produce a side of a triangle त्रिकोणाची एक बाजू वाढवणे; त्रिकोणाच्या एका बाजूचा विस्तार करणे)
१ पदार्थ (पु.), उत्पाद (पु.), उत्पादित वस्तु (स्त्री.) २ Math. गुणाकार (पु.) cross product फुली गुणाकार dot product टिंब गुणाकार scalar product अदिश गुणाकार, टिंब गुणाकार vector product सदिशांचा गुणाकार
१ पार्श्वचित्र (न.) (as in vibrational profile कंपनिक पार्श्वचित्र) २ (as outline) रुपरेखा (स्त्री.)
(as a plan for the programming of a digital computer; a sequence of coded instructions for a digital computer) प्रायोजना (स्त्री.) progrmme
(as to work out a sequence of operations to be performed as by an electronic computer, an accounting machine etc.) प्रायोजन करणे
Cinema, Geog. Light, Math. Nucleonics etc. १ प्रक्षेप (पु.) २ (as a process) प्रक्षेपण (न.)
१ प्रक्षेपी (पु.) (as in floodlight projector प्रकाशझोत प्रक्षेपी) २ दर्शित्र (न.) (as in cinema projector चलचित्र दर्शित्र)
Math. etc. (as elongated in the direction of a line joining the poles - opposed to oblate) परिदीर्घ
१ प्रामुख्य (न.) २ ठळकपणा (पु.) ३ (as protuberance) समुन्नतपणा (पु.) ४ Astron. शिखा (स्त्री.) (as in solar prominences सौर शिखा)
१ प्रमुख २ ठळक ३ (standing out or projecting beyond a surface or line; appearing in high relief) समुन्नत
१ (as an evidence sufficing or helping to establish a fact) प्रमाण (न.) २ Math. (as a mathematical process that establishes the validity of a theorem or a statement.... etc.) सिद्धता (स्त्री.), सिद्धि (स्त्री.)
proof plane
Elec.(as a conductor fixed on an insulating handle and used in measuring electrification) परीक्षापत्र (न.)
(as to cause to spread out and effect a greater number or greater area; to expand the activity, intensity or transmission of) प्रसारित करणे, प्रसारित होणे
१ Math.(as equality oif two ratios) समानुपात (पु.) २ (as the relation of one part to another or to the whole with respect to magnitude, quantity... etc.; as relative size) प्रमाण (न.)
proportional counter
(as a counting tube operated at voltages below threshold voltage) समानुपाती गणित्र
१ समानुपातता (स्त्री.) (as in region of limited proportionality मर्यादित समानुपातता क्षेत्र) २ प्रमाणता (स्त्री.), प्रमाणबद्धता (स्त्री.)
१ समानुपाती २ प्रमाणात असलेला (to be proportionate to - शी समानुपाती असणे) (also proportional)
Mining (as to explore an area for mineral deposits, as to make preliminary developments and tests of a mine, ore deposits, etc. to determine its probable value)पूर्वेक्षण करणे
(an elementary particle that is identical with the nucleus of the hydrogen atom and that carries a positive charge) प्रोटॉन (पु.)
(as an original on which a thing is modeled; as the first or original type or model on which anything is copied) आदिरुप (न.) model
१ (the quality or the state of being proximate, next or very near as in time, place or relationship) सामीप्य (न.) २ Math. सामीप्य (न.) region
Elec.Eng. etc. (as the angular velocity that may be associated with a periodic motion) स्पंदनत्व (न.)
Radio etc.(as a regularly recurrent wave; as a transient variation of electric current, voltage etc.; as an electromagnetic wave or modulation) स्पंद (पु.)
(to reduce as by crushing, beating, etc. to very small particles) चूर्ण करणे, पूड करणे, भुगा करणे, चूर्ण होणे, पूड होणे, भुगा होणे
पंप (पु.) air pump हवापंप centrifugal pump अपकेंद्री पंप diffusion pump विसरण पंप filter pump गाळणी पंप, फिल्टर पंप force pump बल पंप lift pump उत्थापक पंप molecular pump रेणु पंप oil pump तैल पंप rotatory pump घूर्णी पंप suction pump चूषण पंप vacuum pump
push pull
१ (as constituting or relating to an arrangement of two electron tubes such that an alternating input causes them to send current through a load alternately) कर्षापकर्षी, पुश-पुल (as in push pull circuit कर्षापकर्षी परिपथ) २ (as belonging to or being a linkage for exerting both push and pull) ढकल ओढ, कर्षापकर्षी
(also picnometer of pyknometer) (a device for measuring densities of liquids or solids) घनतामापी (पु.)
(an instrument for determining the radiation from the earth's surface into space) भूउत्तापमापी (पु.)
Heat (an instrument for measuring temperature usu. by the increase of electric resistance etc.) उत्तापमापी (पु.) optical pyrometer प्रकाशीय उत्तापमापी radiation pyrometer प्रारण उत्तापमापी